SiT6081EB Evaluation Board

EVB for Single-Ended Oscillators, VCXOs, DCXOs, and TCXOs in 2520 Package

The SiT6081EB evaluation board (EVB) allows a user to power on and evaluate the functionality of SiTime single-ended oscillators, SSXOs, VCXOs, and TCXOs on a simple board. This EVB supports devices that come in a 4-pin 2.5 x 2.0-mm QFN package. Each board consists of a few connectors to connect external signal/equipment and power to the devices, resistors and capacitors for various purposes and the footprint for the devices.

This EVB has three main configuration options for measuring different electrical parameters of SiTime oscillators including the general shipment configuration, probing configuration, and SMA support configuration. 

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Image: SiT6081 evaluation board

Supported Devices

The SiT6081EB evaluation board supports the following oscillators in a 2.5 x 2.0 mm 4-pin QFN package: 

SiT3807 VCXO in 2520 package

SiT3808 VCXO in 2520 package

SiT3809 VCXO in 2520 package

SiT1602 Oscillator in 2520 package

SiT8008 Oscillator in 2520 package

SiT8009 Oscillator in 2520 package

SiT8208 Oscillator in 2520 package

SiT8209 Oscillator in 2520 package

SiT1618 High-Temperature Oscillator in 2520 package

SiT8919 High-Temperature Oscillator in 2520 package

SiT8920 High-Temperature Oscillator in 2520 package

SiT8921 High-Temperature Oscillator in 2520 package

SiT8924 High-Temperature Oscillator in 2520 package

SiT8925 High-Temperature Oscillator in 2520 package

SiT8944 Ruggedized Oscillator in 2520 package

SiT8945 Ruggedized Oscillator in 2520 package

SiT9003 SSXO in 2520 package

SiT9005 SSXO in 2520 package

SIT9025 SSXO in 2520 package

SIT9045 SSXO in 2520 package


For support for devices in 2016 package, see SiT6095EB.

For support for devices in 3225 package, see SiT6082EB.

For support for devices in 2016 package, see SiT6095EB.

For support for devices in 3225 package, see SiT6082EB.

For support for devices in 2016 package, see SiT6095EB.

For support for devices in 3225 package, see SiT6082EB.