MEMS oscillator improves phase noise, halves space needs
Up to 50% space savings enable the integration of more features with the SiT9501 oscillator, designed for optical and data communications.
Anticipating optical and data communications for outdoor 5G deployment, SiTime introduces the SiT9501 differential MEMS oscillator. It is based on SiTime’s third generation MEMS technology.
The SiT9501 oscillator is intended for use in 100 to 800G optical modules. It is supplied in a 2.0 x 1.6mm package to achieve up to 50 percent space savings, although other industry standard packages. The device’s smaller size allows customers to integrate more features and reduce development time, adds SiTime.
SiTime claims the SiT9501 differential oscillator offers the lowest jitter in the presence of environmental stressors, and the smallest size.